What Customer Service? Companies Should Treat the Bereaved with More Compassion  

By Luke Cheadle, Head of UK Operations for The Estate Registry The subject of an organisation or establishment’s insensitivity in dealing with people who have recently lost a loved one is once again in the media after the television presenter Kate Garraway1 had to resort to social media to ask Haringey council for help after […]

Avoiding sibling conflict

Anyone with a brother or sister can tell you that sometimes siblings do not always get along. Unfortunately, the death of a parent and the distribution of their estate can make these sibling relationships even more strained. The situation is further complicated when there are half-siblings as a result of different marriages, or siblings who […]

What to do when someone dies

Whether it has been expected because of a long illness, or it’s due to a surprise event like an accident or sudden health incident, it can be quite shocking when someone passes away. After the initial jolt fades, and you are working through grief on your way to acceptance, there are practical tasks that must […]

Is an inheritance taxable?

As the saying goes, nothing is certain but death and taxes. If a relative of yours has recently passed away, both death and taxes may be on your mind—namely how much inheritance tax will I pay? The answer depends on a number of factors. No tax is payable if the value of the estate is […]

Debt and the deceased

Many believe one’s debt is forgiven when they die.  More importantly for our purposes, do their beneficiaries? In general, the rules for handling the debts of those who have passed are fairly simple, but there are a couple of wrinkles that you should be aware of. Generally speaking, the debts of the deceased must be paid, and […]

Can I get another inheritance advance?

Thousands of people have used inheritance advances to get the money they need faster—without having to wait for the lengthy probate process to complete. Maybe you are one of them. Some have found their advance to be so helpful, and the process to be so easy, that they are interested in getting another inheritance advance. But is that possible? Can […]